Rise above the roar of opinions
Human opinions can be fickle, swayed by the latest thing we read or hear – even based on misleading information. Worst of all – opinions can pit family members and friends against each other, ruin holidays, destroy friendships and weigh us down with a sense of hopelessness and fear.
Is there a better way to view, understand – and even appreciate – each other instead of hurling angry words or giving up? Are there solutions that can actually heal relationships and bring a sense of peace?
It’s been said that “man’s extremity is God’s opportunity.” Cracking our own hard shell of opinions can let in some new light and bring something fresh and good to uncomfortable situations built around opinions. It may not be easy, and it may require humility, earnest listening, and patience but it can bring a calm sense of harmony and peace.
The same Source of compassionate wisdom that Jesus and others in the Bible relied on is still available today. It destroys fear and reveals healing solutions beyond the roar of human opinions. Hear how others have turned their thought in this direction and found healing and harmony.
Weighed down by opinions? Time for a higher viewpoint (27-minute audio conversation)
Cast off those mental tatters! By Karen Neff