Event promotion form Event Promotion Form Fields marked with an * are required Get event listed! Get your event listed here at ChristianScienceDC.org. Use this form to tell us about an upcoming event, such as a lecture, a book talk, or related musical event. Please provide this information as soon as possible, ideally at least 8 weeks before the event. Use this form to tell us about an upcoming event, such as a lecture, book talk, or related musical event. We welcome events that promote awareness of Christian Science and are open to the public. Please provide this information as soon as possible, ideally at least 8 weeks before the event. Date and time of event * 120102030405060708091011 000510152025303540455055 AMPM Event title * Lecturer name * Type of event In-person only In-person and live-streamed Live-streamed only Will the event be recorded and available for on-demand replay after the event? Yes, video Yes, audio only No If "yes", what is the link (URL) for replay? If "yes", what is the last day it will be available? Do you wish to borrow our audio recording equipment? Yes No Are you requesting financial assistance to make the recording? [available for CSMC members only] Yes No Sponsoring church(es) * Name of venue and address, including ZIP code Parking information (on-street? metered or garage? validated or free? handicapped spaces available?) Public transportation details (including closest Metro station(s), bus route, bus stop) Child care provided? Yes No Lecture committee contact (name, phone number, and email — in case we have questions) * Backup or additional lecture committee contact Phone number and/or email for public to request more information * Event description (a few sentences: why would someone who knows little or nothing about Christian Science want to attend this event? * Anything else you wish to tell us? If you are a human seeing this field, please leave it empty.