How does God see you?
Guest: Tom McElroy What steps can you take to change things when you feel like you know yourself better than anyone—and you don’t like what you know? This week’s guest thinks
Read MoreGuest: Tom McElroy What steps can you take to change things when you feel like you know yourself better than anyone—and you don’t like what you know? This week’s guest thinks
Read MoreGuest: Lynn Gray Jackson Artists know how inspiration can open up new vistas. So can spiritual inspiration, which opens up new views of God—and those, in turn, can bring healing. This
Read MoreGuest: Mark Unger What does purity have to do with healing? Our guest isn’t talking about a checklist to make one “holier than thou.” He’s sharing a much more fundamental spiritual
Read MoreGuest: Joann Smedley After a serious tumble down a flight of stairs resulting in multiple fractures, abrasions, and bruises, this week’s guest learned how important it was not to give
Read MoreGuest: Karen Neff Karen Neff talks with host David Brown about how she and her husband relied on what they’d learned from Jesus and Christian Science after their daughter was
Read MoreGeorge Nutwell and Carlos Machado Have you ever thought that meekness might be an antidote to violence? This week’s guest, George Nutwell, has come to realize that the kind of
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