“How can prayer contribute to healing this seemingly intractable ill that continues to plague society?” – Martine Blackler
Martine Blackler pondered this question rather intensely, after witnessing so much hatred and divisiveness arising from racism and racial tension in her world. She realized that it’s important to start with ourselves by healing our prejucides and fears of the world so that we may uplight and heal the atmosphere of thought around us.
Being a Christian Scientist means that you must truly love your neighbor by not seeing them as the world does, but as God does. She asked herself if she would be willing to give up her limiting, material sense of who her neighors are – defining them by their race, sexual orientation or socioeconomic status – and see them as God’s spiritual children.
She goes on to tell the story of an interaction she had at her local police station and how the experience shaped her thoughts from there. To her, it was a powerful reminder that seeing the world through the lens of God, divine Spirit, dissolves the heat of hatred and conflict. Whether in small ways or large, this helps humanity in ways we can’t begin to imagine.