First, I go to church to be among people who want to understand the things that interest me the most: reality/truth; our purpose here on earth; what good we can do, and how to be a better person.
I go for the pure, solid spiritual foundation of Christian Science – because I can see that Jesus was a scientist – proving what he taught through evidence that others witnessed and recorded.
I go to understand more of what he was teaching. (I love that we recite the Lord’s Prayer slowly and thoughtfully.)
I go because I love seeing my church friends. (I don’t go for the donuts and coffee because there are none. There isn’t even a kitchen.)
I go to think quietly.
Church, defined in Christian Science as “the structure of Truth and Love” helps me address problems in a practical way by addressing my own thought.
I go to church to notice how whatever blesses one person blesses all.
I go to feel renewed and hopeful.
by Bonnie Williams